Adaptive Programs

Stand-up Skiers

Tri-Track Skiing: Derives its name from the three tracks made in the snow by the two outriggers and the single ski.

Four-track skiers: Use both skis and a pair of outriggers leaving four tracks in the snow!

Visually impaired or Blind skiers: Accompanied by guides and blockers.

Hearing Impaired or Deaf skiers: Often accompanied by a person who can communicate in sign language.

Developmental delay: Participation in recreational activities such as skiing can be extremely important for growth in specific areas of delay as well as provide a valuable opportunity for psychological and social growth.


Sit-down Skiers

Mono-skiers: Sit in a fiberglass shell mounted on a standard ski. They use two shortened outriggers to turn the mono-ski. Mono-skiers are able to maneuver independently on all terrain.

Bi-skiers: Have limited control of their arms and upper body. The bi-ski resembles the mono-ski except for two skis underneath it. A bi-skier may achieve independence or may require tethering by an instructor.



Snowboarders: Use Standard Equipment- Snowboards, boots, 2 strap bindings or step in bindings. snowboarders may also use adaptive equipment such as outriggers, tethers, and harness, rider bar or the Snow Wing.